The Family of Little Bit of Faith Farm

The Family of Little Bit of Faith Farm
The Family that lives on Little Bit of Faith Farm

Friday, March 25, 2011

Why God Allows Circumstances to Happen -

Okay -- so today while preparing a little something for my Tastefully Simple team's Success Event tomorrow, I was looking for some motivational material that I could use at the beginning - God led me to this site.  I had heard of this man before, but never really watched anything.  Well....after seeing one video (the one God I am sure had picked especially for me), I am now convinced that God led me to this for ME not for my team.

Personally the last several years have been a struggle for me with my health.  Getting and learning to deal with a diagnosis of PsA (psoriatic arthritis) has knocked me and my family for a loop - actually they all handle it much better than me.  Just this week, I have begun to understand that God will use this if I only allow Him to do so.  Living in constant pain - well for lack of a better word at the moment - SUCKS!  But....God has this if I only let Him.  He may choose to not heal me on this earth, but it is time for me to start letting Him use me while I am on this earth!

Our family -- has been dealt some YUCKY stuff both financially and just trying to get this whole moving thing in order.  We have been praying and praying and praying and praying.  I have been teaching the kids daily that God knows our hearts, but that He has the perfect plan for all of this.  They are amazing in understanding it all, but have I been listening to my own words as I teach them?- I am not so sure.  My faith has its moments!  But...honestly -I know God has this completely under control.  Even when I can't even figure out how we will get thru tomorrow - God knows exactly when and how we will move to Greenville.  He knows all of the other many needs we have and are struggling with. HE KNOWS and HE CARES and HE WILL USE IT FOR HIS GLORY if I only let HIM!

Which is exactly what Mike and I began praying back in October - that God would use whatever we had to go thru to let others (especially all of our friends and family who do not know HIM) see HIM in us.  This week I have so been Peter and have taken my eyes of of my Lord and Savior - shame on me!

After watching this amazing 28 year old man who had so much more of a reason than myself to doubt God, how can I possibly NOT KNOW that God is in the miracle business and He will provide for ALL of my personal needs and my family's needs in HIS PERFECT TIME so that others will see HIM in our lives!

Thank you Jesus for smacking me with the 2 x 4 tonight!  May others be blessed thru our life and thru this amazing man without limbs!

He's got this!
Jami :)

Easy Bake Oven-

Last night we were blessed to have our best friends, The Broussard Family, stop by and stay on their way to PA for their spring break (yes - they are going to a cold place for spring break :)).  After dinner, Sara-Michael our 7 year old asked to "make" dessert in her Easy Bake Oven.  I said yes.

Little did I know it would take nearly 2 hours to fix 12 bite sized S'mores :) was so much fun to watch the girls "bake"!  And....everyone waited patiently for their turn to try a S'more.  As this process unfolded over the course of the 2 hours, it was so much fun for me to be in the kitchen watching and guiding.  I was quickly reminded that teaching my girls to be homemakers needs to have a higher priority in my homeschool day.  Especially in the kitchen!  We do cook together quite a bit, but my attitude about it needs to change.  I always look at it as "taking more time than if I just did it myself."  But...God has called me to teach them - and not just math, reading, geography, etc....but the lifeskills they need as well.  I want them to grow up loving to be homemakers.  And...doing it with a joy in their hearts b/c they are doing it unto the Lord.

I will be honest here -- when I was a kid and a teenager, I was the rebel child that HATED to be in the kitchen with my mother.  I never learned to do much except use the microwave.  I still remember the day early in my marriage when I had to call my mom to get directions to make a pie :)  And...even though I am 40, I still often call my mom and ask for her help with a recipe or something in the kitchen.  I regret not learning more from her.  She is an amazing cook and was an amazing homemaker - which of course I refused to see when I was younger.  Now that I am older and wiser (well - maybe just older :)), I regret not learning more from my amazing mom.
I am looking forward to hopefully teaching my girls more than I was willing to learn.

Each of my girls already has an apron, but I am looking forward to starting their own collections of "tools" as they learn to be homemakers.  Their own cookbooks, recipe boxes filled with recipes, their own cutting boards, and potato peelers.  Oh I am excited about Easter Baskets this year and birthday gifts -- what a joy to give them something that will help them learn and grow into the future wives and homemakers I know God will want them to be.

In fact...I have started reading a new blog I came across thanks to a friend on facebook.  I love it that she has an entire blog dedicated to Raising Homemakers.'s to spending more time in the kitchen, more time doing laundry, more time doing chores -- but doing it with happy hearts as I teach my children that being a homemaker is a joy and a blessing!

but....I do believe the creators of the Easy Bake Oven need to make a deluxe version that cooks more than one cookie at a time :)

Happy Friday and Blessings to you all -
Jami :)

And...if you want - be sure to check out the link above to the Raising Homemakers blog I referred to!

Me and my "little homemakers" in the kitchen!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


So....I thought this would be a good topic for today.  I have lots of other thoughts whirling around in my head, but my heart is not quite ready to let them onto the keyboard quite yet.  Praying about how to and what to say next.

But...those of you that know me know that couponing has become a huge passion of mine.

Let me back up just a bit though --- I haven't always couponed.  Mostly b/c I watched my mom and aunts share and clip coupons all the time when I was little. Quite honestly, it looked like a painfully long process that resulted in a box with a bunch of little pieces of paper that were never used. had to dig thru that box each time you went to the store to see if you happened to have a coupon for what you were shopping for.  BLAH - so not for me!

But...over a year ago I was first introduced to Get Couponing thru my friend, Chris. am addicted to the Southern Savers site (nothing against Get Couponing - the Southern Savers site just works better for me).  I highly encourage you to check out both sites (especially if you live in SC or NC)

My big question to each of you is -- do you coupon out of necessity, out of addiction, or both?  Are you buying only what you need and really saving?  Or are you someone who thinks they have to get everything that is listed even if you don't need it (then you might not really be saving money)?  Just some thoughts.

We coupon out of necessity right now.  Money is extremely tight at the Jann house these days.  I do admit though that I am extremely addicted and love seeing how much money I can save.  I almost cry when I have to buy something without a coupon.  I cry even harder when I have to shop at Wal-mart :)  I do most of my couponing at Publix - I love my Publix at Kennerly at the Crossing.  They are so good to us.  Please, please, please...if you are a couponer and you read my blog, don't be a hoarder!  That just irritates the snot out of me.  Seriously, only get an item (or lots of an item) if you really use it or have a need for it or can give it to a place that does need it (ie - food pantry, family in need).  Don't just get it b/c it's free or nearly free!  Drives me nuts to get to Publix the first night of the new week and have NOTHING in the spot where the product I want to buy is suppose to be.  And...I hate getting rainchecks!

My hope is that I will always be a couponer.  Not just b/c it saves us money but b/c it is helping me be a better steward of what God has given me.  Even when we are some day not in the money slump we are in now, I hope I continue to coupon so I can give back to God's Kingdom.  I hope you will too!

Now -- if you are like me and thought that couponing was too time consuming to justify saving money, I encourage you to take a class through Southern Savers or Get Couponing.  You will be surprised  - this is not your MOMMA's COUPONING!  Give it a try -- you might like it! 

Stay tuned  - I will report my savings from Publix (and maybe Bi-Lo) tonight after my shopping trip!

ps - Moms - it is much easier to coupon without your children, but if you are a homeschooling Momma like me and have to take them with you sometimes (right now I go when they are at Choir/Mission Friends at church on Weds) it is a GREAT schooling opportunity!  Give it a shot!

By His Grace -

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ooops ----

So...I was trying to update the blog a bit and totally changed the address b/c I didn't like the old one -- which is why some of you couldn't get to it when you clicked on the facebook posting from earlier today :)

So....this is the right one -- I won't change it again :)

Notice to those of you who might be checking in (especially family :)) -- B/c of the stage of life I am right now, my blogging will tend to be raw and uncut  -- that just means I will speak from my heart and probably tell you exactly what I am feeling and thinking.

I am feeling God leading me to be completely open as I type.  Especially on the subject of salvation.  After all that has happened lately with Japan and the horrible tragedy and loss that has occurred there, I realize that so many people I know and love are in jeapordy of dying without knowing Jesus as their Savior. hope and prayer is that God will use this blog and all that our family is going through right now and in the future to help others see that God is real, He is HOPE, He is LOVE, He is all this world needs.

Now..that being said - am I the perfect example of any of this  -NO!  In fact, as I type it is with tears streaming down my face b/c of my own lack of faith at the moment.  Our family is going thru some tough stuff right now - my heart knows that God has this all under control.  His plan is perfect.  But...being in the middle of it  - well...I sometimes have my moments of being human and letting my head fill with doubt.  Tonight is one of those moments.  So...I will be seeking His word and continuing to wait upon His goodness.  I know He wants what is best for our family!

Okay - so hopefully those of you that check in will somehow be encouraged by my rambling on :)

Off for tonight and hopefully when I come back to edit a few things tomorrow I won't make it impossible for you to find our blog again :)

Because of Christ -

We're Back -----

Okay -- we tried this a few years ago and I failed miserably. much has happened and is happening in our life right now that I really felt led to get back to blogging. Mostly b/c I feel God telling me that what we have and will be going thru might help others. And...if our lives can be encouraging to other Christians and more importantly to non-believers, then that is what we want. patient with me as I update our blog a bit, but I hope to be back posting daily or every other day soon!

Many of you have been walking this road with us for the last couple of years and for that we thank you! Thank you for your prayers, your love, your wisdom, and most importantly YOUR LOVE.

We are blessed! I hope that as I begin blogging again, God will use my words and our daily lives to bless those who read what I type!

Because of Him -
Jami :)

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About Me

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Greenville, SC, United States
I am just a mom - like so many others who may read this. But...I am living my dream. All I have ever wanted to do was to be a mommy. I am a mommy to 3 beautiful children. I hope others who read our blog will see how much we Love God, Love our family, Love homeschooling.and now Love our small homestead/farm! My prayer is to be the best Godly mom, wife, teacher, friend, sister, daughter,aunt...and whatever other roles God gives me along this journey. May I be faithful to the roles He has called me to do. And...may I do them as doing them unto the Lord!