The Family of Little Bit of Faith Farm

The Family of Little Bit of Faith Farm
The Family that lives on Little Bit of Faith Farm

Friday, April 22, 2011

Once a Month Cooking --

Okay all you busy moms out there -- came across this and wanted to share.  It looks GREAT! Can't wait to give it a try. Have always wanted to try Once a Month Cooking but wasn't sure about the recipes -- this one looks like it has LOTS of ideas for different recipes!  Something for everyone.  And...she FRUGAL -- that means saving MONEY.

And...she homeschools LIKE ME and runs a business from home LIKE ME and has a chronic illness LIKE ME-- so looks like this is FOR ME.

Order your copy and let's make dinner time easier!!!!

Frugal Mom's Once a Month Cooking

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Jann Family's new MOTTO --

I stole this from my facebook friend, Callie, but it is so something I needed to read and post!

When God is about to do something great, He starts with a difficulty. When He is about to do something truly magnificent, He starts with an impossibility.

I am beyond confident that God is about to something truly magnificent in our situation!  I believe with all my heart that He has brought us to a place that we can only expect exactly this from our amazing, all-powerful God!  Even though I shed many tears and drive my husband nuts with all that is happening in our lives right now, I trust my God beyond a shadow of a doubt and I know that He wants to bless us.  More importantly I know He wants to bless the lives of others thru us!

I can't wait to see what He is going to do!

Thank you Callie for your facebook post!  It was just what I needed today!

Expecting the MAGNIFICENT to come from the IMPOSSIBLE -
Jami :)

My Boys --

Boy 2 favorite boys!

Today felt like a good day to get back to my blog - sorry I know it's been a while.  Life here is never dull and never slow :)

So many of you know that we have been needing to move to Greenville now for several months but are still here.  Lots of reasons play into that, but we are completely trusting in God's perfect plan for getting us all up there.

In the meantime, several factors have played into us and Christian wanting to get up to the area so he can begin swimming for YSSC - the YMCA team of Spartanburg for those of you not from here or into swimming!  It's been a hard thing for me b/c the MUDCATS have been our team since Christian was 5.  They are like our family - really they are.  When you spend as much time as we do at a pool - it becomes your home and the coaches, swimmers, and their parents become FAMILY!  But...we feel like we can't live in Greenville and NOT swim for YSSC -- and those reading this that are swimmers or swim parents would probably agree with me (even if they really don't want us to go there)!  Not that our coaches here are great - b/c they are -- we love them all dearly and they have brought Christian up to be an amazing little swimmer, but there is just something about YSSC (maybe b/c their Y pays their coaches to be full time coaches -- that is a HUGE differences).

All that to say -- this week has been a trial week for us.  Christian headed to Greenville with Mike on Monday (mostly b/c he needed to have a tooth pulled and we went ahead and found a new dentist up there b/c our dentist here doesn't accept Mike's new insurance) and did his first CUKE (they are the fighting Cucumbers as in Sea Cucumbers :)) swim practice.  I was secretly hoping he would hate it of course....but.....that was not the case :)  He quickly asked if he could go back Wed and Thursday b/c he wanted to do dry land and see what their dry land workouts were like.  So....this morning I packed him up for 2 days in Greenville with Daddy! 

My days are a little lost without him here.  He is my helper and buddy! easy child :) heart is a little sad.  Not to mention it is just a LOT of extra work to get his school work all together and sent with him. and...I hate not being the one teaching him - I have taught him EVERY DAY of his life!  He thinks it is cool though b/c Daddy gives him his own office (mike has an empty office in his department) so he can work and even use daddy's iPad to do his research!  I guess if I was him  - I would want to go too -- much easier than doing school work with 2 little sisters all over the place :)

This week is a bit harder b/c I will be leaving Friday morning and gone thru Sunday night so that means 5 days away from my "little" buddy (in quotes b/c he is almost taller than me)!

I know this is just a small season in our lives but it seems like forever!  I know that people look at us and think we are crazy for making this sacrifice (actually I don't think this I know this b/c I have had people look right at me and ask me "why"?) - but we believe in our hearts this is right for Christian.  And...we know in our hearts that God has a plan to get our entire family up to Greenville in HIS PERFECT TIME!

Being a mom is never easy -- God didn't promise us that!  But...I wouldn't trade it even for one second of NOT being a mom.  God has given me the most precious gifts and they are just that "gifts" and they are only mine for a little while.  I pray daily that I will be the Mom that God has entrusted me to be.  That I will be like Hannah and give my children back to Lord (daily) as I train them to be Godly people!

Okay -- gotta run and stop rambling :)  I think I have completely vomited out the mouth this morning but needed to just sit and type :)  thanks for letting me.

Be back soon - hopefully with some pictures of the things growing in our vegetable garden!  The kids (and the guinea pigs) enjoyed fresh spinach from our garden yesterday!!!!

By His Grace and only by His Grace -

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About Me

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Greenville, SC, United States
I am just a mom - like so many others who may read this. But...I am living my dream. All I have ever wanted to do was to be a mommy. I am a mommy to 3 beautiful children. I hope others who read our blog will see how much we Love God, Love our family, Love homeschooling.and now Love our small homestead/farm! My prayer is to be the best Godly mom, wife, teacher, friend, sister, daughter,aunt...and whatever other roles God gives me along this journey. May I be faithful to the roles He has called me to do. And...may I do them as doing them unto the Lord!