The Family of Little Bit of Faith Farm

The Family of Little Bit of Faith Farm
The Family that lives on Little Bit of Faith Farm

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


So....I thought this would be a good topic for today.  I have lots of other thoughts whirling around in my head, but my heart is not quite ready to let them onto the keyboard quite yet.  Praying about how to and what to say next.

But...those of you that know me know that couponing has become a huge passion of mine.

Let me back up just a bit though --- I haven't always couponed.  Mostly b/c I watched my mom and aunts share and clip coupons all the time when I was little. Quite honestly, it looked like a painfully long process that resulted in a box with a bunch of little pieces of paper that were never used. had to dig thru that box each time you went to the store to see if you happened to have a coupon for what you were shopping for.  BLAH - so not for me!

But...over a year ago I was first introduced to Get Couponing thru my friend, Chris. am addicted to the Southern Savers site (nothing against Get Couponing - the Southern Savers site just works better for me).  I highly encourage you to check out both sites (especially if you live in SC or NC)

My big question to each of you is -- do you coupon out of necessity, out of addiction, or both?  Are you buying only what you need and really saving?  Or are you someone who thinks they have to get everything that is listed even if you don't need it (then you might not really be saving money)?  Just some thoughts.

We coupon out of necessity right now.  Money is extremely tight at the Jann house these days.  I do admit though that I am extremely addicted and love seeing how much money I can save.  I almost cry when I have to buy something without a coupon.  I cry even harder when I have to shop at Wal-mart :)  I do most of my couponing at Publix - I love my Publix at Kennerly at the Crossing.  They are so good to us.  Please, please, please...if you are a couponer and you read my blog, don't be a hoarder!  That just irritates the snot out of me.  Seriously, only get an item (or lots of an item) if you really use it or have a need for it or can give it to a place that does need it (ie - food pantry, family in need).  Don't just get it b/c it's free or nearly free!  Drives me nuts to get to Publix the first night of the new week and have NOTHING in the spot where the product I want to buy is suppose to be.  And...I hate getting rainchecks!

My hope is that I will always be a couponer.  Not just b/c it saves us money but b/c it is helping me be a better steward of what God has given me.  Even when we are some day not in the money slump we are in now, I hope I continue to coupon so I can give back to God's Kingdom.  I hope you will too!

Now -- if you are like me and thought that couponing was too time consuming to justify saving money, I encourage you to take a class through Southern Savers or Get Couponing.  You will be surprised  - this is not your MOMMA's COUPONING!  Give it a try -- you might like it! 

Stay tuned  - I will report my savings from Publix (and maybe Bi-Lo) tonight after my shopping trip!

ps - Moms - it is much easier to coupon without your children, but if you are a homeschooling Momma like me and have to take them with you sometimes (right now I go when they are at Choir/Mission Friends at church on Weds) it is a GREAT schooling opportunity!  Give it a shot!

By His Grace -


Jami said...

One more thought --

Couponing not only saves us money but allows us to use money we have saved on other things that are important to us as well - like healthier products that we feel are important to our family's well-being.

Jami said...

Just getting back to post this -- but Wednesday evening was a pretty good shopping trip!

I finally got to cash in my raincheck for my $50 gas card for $40 -- so that made me happy to save $10 on gas - especially b/c we are spending so much money on gas right now with Mike driving back and forth to Greenville daily.

As for the rest of my groceries - I spent $52ish and saved over $64!!!! My goal is always to save at least 50%!

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Greenville, SC, United States
I am just a mom - like so many others who may read this. But...I am living my dream. All I have ever wanted to do was to be a mommy. I am a mommy to 3 beautiful children. I hope others who read our blog will see how much we Love God, Love our family, Love homeschooling.and now Love our small homestead/farm! My prayer is to be the best Godly mom, wife, teacher, friend, sister, daughter,aunt...and whatever other roles God gives me along this journey. May I be faithful to the roles He has called me to do. And...may I do them as doing them unto the Lord!