The Family of Little Bit of Faith Farm

The Family of Little Bit of Faith Farm
The Family that lives on Little Bit of Faith Farm

Friday, March 25, 2011

Easy Bake Oven-

Last night we were blessed to have our best friends, The Broussard Family, stop by and stay on their way to PA for their spring break (yes - they are going to a cold place for spring break :)).  After dinner, Sara-Michael our 7 year old asked to "make" dessert in her Easy Bake Oven.  I said yes.

Little did I know it would take nearly 2 hours to fix 12 bite sized S'mores :) was so much fun to watch the girls "bake"!  And....everyone waited patiently for their turn to try a S'more.  As this process unfolded over the course of the 2 hours, it was so much fun for me to be in the kitchen watching and guiding.  I was quickly reminded that teaching my girls to be homemakers needs to have a higher priority in my homeschool day.  Especially in the kitchen!  We do cook together quite a bit, but my attitude about it needs to change.  I always look at it as "taking more time than if I just did it myself."  But...God has called me to teach them - and not just math, reading, geography, etc....but the lifeskills they need as well.  I want them to grow up loving to be homemakers.  And...doing it with a joy in their hearts b/c they are doing it unto the Lord.

I will be honest here -- when I was a kid and a teenager, I was the rebel child that HATED to be in the kitchen with my mother.  I never learned to do much except use the microwave.  I still remember the day early in my marriage when I had to call my mom to get directions to make a pie :)  And...even though I am 40, I still often call my mom and ask for her help with a recipe or something in the kitchen.  I regret not learning more from her.  She is an amazing cook and was an amazing homemaker - which of course I refused to see when I was younger.  Now that I am older and wiser (well - maybe just older :)), I regret not learning more from my amazing mom.
I am looking forward to hopefully teaching my girls more than I was willing to learn.

Each of my girls already has an apron, but I am looking forward to starting their own collections of "tools" as they learn to be homemakers.  Their own cookbooks, recipe boxes filled with recipes, their own cutting boards, and potato peelers.  Oh I am excited about Easter Baskets this year and birthday gifts -- what a joy to give them something that will help them learn and grow into the future wives and homemakers I know God will want them to be.

In fact...I have started reading a new blog I came across thanks to a friend on facebook.  I love it that she has an entire blog dedicated to Raising Homemakers.'s to spending more time in the kitchen, more time doing laundry, more time doing chores -- but doing it with happy hearts as I teach my children that being a homemaker is a joy and a blessing!

but....I do believe the creators of the Easy Bake Oven need to make a deluxe version that cooks more than one cookie at a time :)

Happy Friday and Blessings to you all -
Jami :)

And...if you want - be sure to check out the link above to the Raising Homemakers blog I referred to!

Me and my "little homemakers" in the kitchen!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome,I so miss my girls/granddaughters being closer as you do at these times! They too call me for 'advice' n recipes occasionally! Have fun.

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Greenville, SC, United States
I am just a mom - like so many others who may read this. But...I am living my dream. All I have ever wanted to do was to be a mommy. I am a mommy to 3 beautiful children. I hope others who read our blog will see how much we Love God, Love our family, Love homeschooling.and now Love our small homestead/farm! My prayer is to be the best Godly mom, wife, teacher, friend, sister, daughter,aunt...and whatever other roles God gives me along this journey. May I be faithful to the roles He has called me to do. And...may I do them as doing them unto the Lord!