The Family of Little Bit of Faith Farm

The Family of Little Bit of Faith Farm
The Family that lives on Little Bit of Faith Farm

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Goodbye 2014.......Hello 2015......

As we spend today taking down Christmas and cleaning the house (wow it gets so dusty when you run a wood stove), I have been reflecting and praying!

2014 (as well as 2010-2013) was rough!  I am not going to lie.....the journey God has us on is rough emotionally sometimes but we are working hard to continue to trust in HIS plan b/c we know HIS plan is so much better than anything we can dream or imagine! tough as the journey is also so much fun as I watch God transform not only me but the entire family!

We are certainly becoming more self sufficient out of necessity but I don't see it as horrible...It's a blessing and so much fun!  I find myself laughing out loud a lot when I hear myself say things that my old self would have never dreamed of --- "we are out of chicken broth......time to process a rooster!"  Seriously --- we haven't purchased chicken broth in 2 years -- whoop whoop!

Or...."hey....don't throw that away......we could use it for something!"  Oh my goodness my grandma is laughing in heaven at the things I save now :)  Just before sitting down to start this post I took oatmeal and ice cream containers and made them into our 52 week money challenge banks for 2015!!!!!!

And...while I still struggle sometimes with how small our home is......God has done amazing things in my heart and I am no longer the high maintenance city girl I use to be.  In fact...if it hadn't been for the gift card I received from my in-laws and my husband for Christmas to Kohls....I would still be wearing jeans with holes (and I mean the good jeans I wear out in public and even to church sometimes -- YIKES!) b/c I have gone from the girl who had to have shoes and jewelry to match every outfit to never buying anything new for myself b/c the money would be better spent on the kids, on homeschool curriculum, or the farm.  Or...bc we just don't have any extra!

While I am praying and trusting that 2015 might become a year that we can get ahead financially and not have to skimp by or barely make it, I am trusting more that I will lean fully on God and be obedient to His calling even if it means NEVER having extra!  God knows the desires of my heart  -- the desires to be healthy and the few things I really desire that will take $ and I am trusting for HIM to provide for those desires!!!!!  

I want to be a blessing to my husband and learn to NOT worry.  A blessing to my kids by teaching them to not make the mistakes we have made.  A blessing to others by being obedient to what God calls us to do to help!  And...I never want to miss out on being obedient to God b/c I am afraid we don't have enough!  He will make it enough -- he always does!!!!!

So....I am NOT praying that 2015 will make us wealthy but that we will continue to learn from what God provides and that we will trust in HIS perfect plan --- that I will focus on the time I have with my kids - training and teaching them to be obedient to God's calling on their lives!

And....our prayer for all of you that take time to follow our adventures and read our stories -- that God will bless you beyond measure.  That you will soak in His GRACE b/c it is ENOUGH!  He is enough - whatever else is going on may we always remember GOD IS ALL WE NEED!  His Love is ENOUGH!!!

Be blessed!!!

1 comment:

Thehensonmom said...

I am right with you, sista. Learning to be content in the trials we are walking through. Learning that God is enough. His grace is enough. We sang that song...."His grace is enough" in worship a couple months ago and I began to weep thinking how I wanted so much for things to change and not allowing God to be enough. Praying the Jann family has a blessed 2015 whether God chooses to grow your pocket book or grow your faith. Love ya, my friend.

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Greenville, SC, United States
I am just a mom - like so many others who may read this. But...I am living my dream. All I have ever wanted to do was to be a mommy. I am a mommy to 3 beautiful children. I hope others who read our blog will see how much we Love God, Love our family, Love homeschooling.and now Love our small homestead/farm! My prayer is to be the best Godly mom, wife, teacher, friend, sister, daughter,aunt...and whatever other roles God gives me along this journey. May I be faithful to the roles He has called me to do. And...may I do them as doing them unto the Lord!