The Family of Little Bit of Faith Farm

The Family of Little Bit of Faith Farm
The Family that lives on Little Bit of Faith Farm

Friday, June 29, 2012

Jesus Bring the Rain......

As I was praying today for rain in this blistering, horrible heat that seems to have hit most of our country....the song "Jesus Bring the Rain" actually came on the radio.  My thoughts instantly left the literal prayers for rain and went to "Please, Jesus...when will this storm end?"

Of course...I kept singing b/c I know the song by heart as it's one of my favs, but as the tears started rolling down my cheeks...I realized it wasn't b/c of the storm we are in, but b/c I have been so bad at praising my Jesus through it all.  As believers, we were never promised an easy life.  In fact...quite the opposite.  Jesus told us it would HARD!  He told us to expect trials.  He told us people would persecute us!  It's all in the fabulous book written just for us. human brain seems to forget what I know is in my heart.  Our life is harder than we had hoped it would be.  We never expected to be in our 40's dealing with on-going health issues while raising 3 children.  We never expected to be dealing with losing a house and all that goes with it.  But....God never promised us that our trials would be short lived --did He? 

Obviously being patient is not something I am good at (if you haven't figured that out by now) having a storm last for what seems like FOREVER is so hard.  Just a little bit of a break, Lord...that would be nice!  And...I am pretty sure He is saying..." will over when I am confident in your faith in Me and your willingness to Praise Me regardless of the situation!" 

I am thankful for God's gentle reminders that He is in control and that His time is NOT my time!  His plan is PERFECT for our family! certainly doesn't matter what other people think! my prayer is Jesus Bring the RAIN --- show my family how to praise you always! 

For His Glory Always -- Jami

ps -- Jesus - if you can send real, wet rain that would be awesome too! :)

1 comment:

Carol Anne Wright Swett said...

((Jami)) I understand these day spent in the trenches living the life you did not see coming. I can only encourage you out of my own weakness and despair: God wastes NOTHING in his economy. He is the ultimate 're-puposer'. As a friend recently said, "Jesus is too sweet for me not to trust him with my present path." May you sense his sweetness even in the midst of this bitter time. Love you so.

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Greenville, SC, United States
I am just a mom - like so many others who may read this. But...I am living my dream. All I have ever wanted to do was to be a mommy. I am a mommy to 3 beautiful children. I hope others who read our blog will see how much we Love God, Love our family, Love homeschooling.and now Love our small homestead/farm! My prayer is to be the best Godly mom, wife, teacher, friend, sister, daughter,aunt...and whatever other roles God gives me along this journey. May I be faithful to the roles He has called me to do. And...may I do them as doing them unto the Lord!