The Family of Little Bit of Faith Farm

The Family of Little Bit of Faith Farm
The Family that lives on Little Bit of Faith Farm

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Are you READY?

With all the hype about the Rapture happening today, I have really been thinking!  Mostly about my friends and family (and even my enemies - although I hope I don't have too many of those) who don't know Jesus as their personal Savior.

While I should be packing my home and trying to get ready to move (b/c I am quite certain the Rapture isn't occuring today b/c I have read my Bible a time or two), my heart is feeling led to blog!  So...I am taking a minute away from the de-cluttering and packing b/c honestly in the grand scheme of things that isn't what's important.  This stuff isn't going with me (PRAISE the LORD), but my heart is aching for those of you who really might some day get left behind!

The truth of the matter is that although the Rapture isn't probably occuring at 6pm today it is going to happen soon!  Quite frankly - I AM READY!  There is no place I would rather be right now and all of eternity than sitting at the feet of my Jesus!  But....thankfully God isn't ready  -- He is patiently waiting so that more of YOU will accept HIM.  He is giving those of us who do know Him more time to share with all of you!

Are you READY?  He's given you the invitation  - all you have to do is open it and RSVP!  That's right - just accept it!  He LOVES you - no matter what!  He will forgive you  - even though I know some of you are thinking "there is no way He can forgive me!"  He can and He wants to! me -- if He has forgiven me and my past - He is ready to forgive yours.  Just let him!

I wish I could bring all of you to me for a day in our house so you could hear my sweet children and their amazing faith in Jesus!  That's all that is required of us - to have faith and to accept Him - yet as adults we sometimes make this so HARD! 
Just the other day I had a childlike moment smack me in the face and remind me that my faith was so weak compared to theirs.  Here's that moment:

We were leaving children's choir/Missions at Riverland Hills on Wed.  Kendylmae took off running down the sidewalk toward the parking lot.  She knew she was suppose to stop but didn't and almost went out into the parking lot.  I grabbed her hand and gave her a brief but pretty harsh lesson on what could happen if she had not stopped.  Here is her response - "Mom....really it's okay!  Getting killed by a car is ok b/c it means you will get to go live with Jesus!"  My adult, human brain was swirling with things I wanted to say outloud to her, but really -- could I argue?  No not really -- b/c she is so TOTALLY right on the mark!  Losing our life here means gaining an eternity with Jesus  ----- if  - IF - we have accepted His personal invitation to allow Him to be Lord of our life!

So...what's holding you back?  Grab a Bible and read!  Ask me for help if you have questions!  But...don't let this world keep you from seeking your eternity with Jesus!

I want to go and be at the party when Jesus is ready to take me home.  But....there are so many of you that I don't want go without!  I could name you all by name right here  - but I won't!  You know who you are!  Family, Friends, team members,  ---- Life on earth is short but eternity is FOREVER so please be certain of where you are going to spend it!

Loving and Serving Jesus until He returns --
Jami :)

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Greenville, SC, United States
I am just a mom - like so many others who may read this. But...I am living my dream. All I have ever wanted to do was to be a mommy. I am a mommy to 3 beautiful children. I hope others who read our blog will see how much we Love God, Love our family, Love homeschooling.and now Love our small homestead/farm! My prayer is to be the best Godly mom, wife, teacher, friend, sister, daughter,aunt...and whatever other roles God gives me along this journey. May I be faithful to the roles He has called me to do. And...may I do them as doing them unto the Lord!